Home Miami News News to Use – Vol 143

News to Use – Vol 143

News to Use – Vol 143


Miami-Dade County Department of Cultural Affairs








Miami-Dade County Department of Cultural Affairs


Audience Access (AUD) Grants Program

Deadline: Ongoing


A program of the Miami-Dade County Department of Cultural Affairs, the Audience Access (AUD) Grant Program is designed to provide funding to promote and help pay for arts program ADA/access technology and services, such as American Sign Language (ASL) interpreters, captioning, audio description, materials in accessible format, ADA/access training, and other such services to ensure programmatic access for audiences of all abilities. More information:




Florida Cultural Alliance – Good News!


The Florida Governor signed the FY 2015-2016 state budget into law last week. All four Florida Division of Cultural Affairs grant program items are safe. Cultural/Museum, Culture Builds Florida, Cultural Facilities and Cultural Endowments grants are approved.


Thanks to all who advocated for the state’s arts budget and to the Florida legislators that support arts and culture! Be sure to thank your elected officials!


Join us on July 13th at 10AM for our statewide conference call to review the 2015-2016 budget and what was funded. We’ll also begin to plan our advocacy strategy for next year. Remember, the legislative session starts earlier next year!


Stay informed regarding the State budget for the Florida Division of Cultural Affairs.





Miami Beach Visitor and Convention Authority (MBVCA)

Tourism Advancement ProgramFirst Period


Consultation Deadline: July 10, 2015

Submission Deadline: July 17, 2015, by 3:00 pm


The MBVCA is currently accepting grant applications for special events, promotions, activities and festivals which will stimulate tourism by increasing hotel occupancy and will have significant media impact for Miami Beach between October 1, 2015 and January 31, 2016 in the following categories: Initiatives, North Beach Incentive, Special Projects, Special Projects Recurring, and Tourism Partnerships.


Eligibility into each grant category requires approval by the MBVCA Administrator. Interested applicants must meet with MBVCA Administration by Friday, July 10, 2015. Applications must be submitted for corrections by Friday, July 17, 2015, by 3:00 pm. For grant guidelines, applications, questions or comments regarding the grant application process, contact the MBVCA Administrator at (305) 673-7050 or visit www.miamibeachvca.com.


Autism Speaks Grants Program

Webinar on July 14, 2015


The application for the Autism Speaks Chapter, Regional and Neighborhood Grant programs opened Wednesday, July 1st. Grants of up to $5,000 will be awarded to organizations providing services that enhance the lives of those affected by autism. Read More


Learn more about the program with an informational webinar on Tuesday, July 14th at 1PM EST. Sign up here!



Terra Foundation for American Art – Exhibition Grants

Deadline: August 1, 2015


This grant supports exhibitions that enlarge the understanding and appreciation of historical American art made between 1500 and 1980. To be eligible for funding, exhibitions that take place internationally or in Chicago may be aimed at the general public, scholars, or both; exhibitions that take place only in the United States but outside of Chicago must present historical American art in an international context and reach a scholarly audience. Grant funding is also available for exhibitions that include objects from the Terra Foundation’s collection of American art. Letter of Inquiry required. The foundation only accepts proposals from institutions with 501(c)(3) status or the international equivalent. Award Ceiling: not specified. Letter of Inquiry is due on August 1, 2015. For information: http://www.terraamericanart.org/what-we-offer/grant-fellowship-opportunities/grant-opportunities-for-institutions/







Tigertail Productions Seeks Video Submissions for ScreenDance Miami


Submissions Accepted: Through September 30, 2015


ScreenDance Miami is a 4-day festival that takes place January 21-24, 2016, at various venues. The festival offers skill-developing workshops, panel discussions and screenings. The festival is produced by Tigertail and directed by Marissa Alma Nick.

ScreenDance Miami is looking for dance films and videos in various styles that combine choreography and cinematography. Submissions should be15 minutes or less of footage, including everything from shorts, documentaries and stage adaptations to animation, stop motion, 3D films and music videos. Submissions are currently accepted through September 30, 2015.




Call for Volunteer Grants Panelists

Deadline: July 17, 2015 – Community Grants


Each year, the Department of Cultural Affairs relies on the services of many volunteer panelists, who review and evaluate grant applications and make funding recommendations.  Panels are comprised of artists, arts-related professionals, educators, community members, business leaders and others with current or prior active involvement in the arts, such as board members of cultural organizations. 


Independent Sector National Conference Comes to Miami


October 27 – 29, 2015


This October, the Independent Sector conference comes to Florida for the first time. We are pleased to share a personal invitation from Alberto Ibargüen, president of the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation and chair of this year’s conference host committee. In his letter, Alberto reflects on the vitality of the conference experience and why this year’s conference, Embark, is an important opportunity for Florida’s nonprofits and foundations. In his words: “It creates an inclusive, level playing field where leaders and practitioners from nonprofits and foundations of every size and mission exchange ideas, learn from experts, and collaboratively forge new solutions for improving our world.” Click here to read the full letter and visit ISEmbarks2015.com to learn more about the conference.




Featured Resources


National Council of Nonprofits, Nonprofit Economic Vitality Center
This resource was developed to help nonprofits better understanding the current economic climate and assist in accessing strategies to help navigate the economy so that nonprofits can provide community services more effectively.



Please forward this News to Use to your colleagues and friends. 

Originally published at https://miamidadearts.org/news/news-use-vol-143