Home Miami News Miami Light Project’s Technical Fellowship Program

Miami Light Project’s Technical Fellowship Program

Miami Light Project’s Technical Fellowship Program

Miami Light Project launched Technical Fellowship Program in 2012 as a technical training intensive that supports the professional development of Miami-based designers and technicians. By training, mentoring and allowing technicians to work in a multi-discipline arts venue we are building an innovative design and technical community unique to Miami.

Annually, 10 – 15 fellows are selected for this initiative. In addition to a free workshop and training bootcamp, the fellows receive time in The Light Box to work with various technologies, full production support & professional development assistance.

Complete applications must be submitted electronically as WORD documents to mailto:kristina@miamilightproject.com using the subject line TFP Application First Name Last Name; they must be received by 5pm, Saturday, August 01, 2015.

All submissions must be electronic, personal deliveries to MLP offices will not be accepted.  Please save your file using the following name:  LAST NAME, FIRST NAME TFP14-15 APP.doc.

Click here for application.

Originally published at https://miamidadearts.org/news/miami-light-projects-technical-fellowship-program