Home Miami News NWS: Flood Watch until Thursday, September 29, 2022

NWS: Flood Watch until Thursday, September 29, 2022

NWS: Flood Watch until Thursday, September 29, 2022

NWS: Flood Watch until Thursday, September 29, 2022
Keep storm drains clear to prevent flooding.

WEST PALM BEACH, FLA. (September 27, 2022) — The City of West Palm Beach and Palm Beach County are under a Tropical Storm Warning until further notice and Flood Watch until Thursday, September 29, 2022, at 8:00 a.m. A Flood Watch means there is a potential for flooding based on current forecasts.

According to the weather agency, periods of heavy rainfall will continue through Thursday. With isolated higher amounts, total rain accumulations of 4 to 6 inches are possible. Heavy rainfall may produce flooding and flash flooding in low-lying locations and small ponds, creeks, and canals.

Residents are urged to keep storm drains clear to prevent flooding and take precautions. Retract awnings, secure outdoor furniture, and take down patio umbrellas that can blow around or become damaged or mobile during high wind and rain.

Please continue to monitor forecasts and be alert for possible Flood Warnings. Residents living in areas prone to flooding should be prepared to act should flooding develop. Due to the combination of high tides and heavy rains certain areas near the intra-coastal may experience longer than normal periods to drain. Do not drive through flooded roadways.

Flooding & Stormwater:

The Utility’s Stormwater Drainage Division’s preparations are underway:

  • Cleaning and inspecting thousands of storm drains to remedy street flooding and ponding before they occur.
  • Cleaning grates and removing loose debris from roadways and infrastructure citywide.
  • Ensuring pumps and control structures are operable.
  • Checking canals to ensure they are free of debris.
  • Placing additional staff on standby to respond to incidents.
  • Clearing roadside litter and landscape debris in areas identified as prone to flooding.

****The City of West Palm Beach urges residents to report  storm-related debris or severe street or property flooding incidents to the Central Operations Emergency office (561) 822-2210 (TTY: 800-955-8771). The office, dedicated to customer satisfaction, is available 24 hours. ****

 To contact the City of West Palm Beach, please dial (561) 822-1200 (TTY 800 955-8771). For information about the City of West Palm Beach, please visit: https://www.wpb.org/home

Originally published at https://www.wpb.org/Home/Components/News/News/2974/772?npage=6