Home Miami News News to Use – Vol 150

News to Use – Vol 150

News to Use – Vol 150

Introducing young people to the arts now is key to their future participation and to sustaining the development of Miami-Dade County’s vibrant cultural community. Culture Shock Miami is a simple and highly effective audience development concept that encourages students, ages 13-22, to become regular arts patrons. The program promotes and offers $5 tickets to the best cultural and performing arts events and two-for-$5 tickets to museums in Miami-Dade County.

The program’s logo can also be included in your collateral pieces and brochures. For more information or to find out how to include the program in your collateral materials, contact Christina Tassy-Beauvoir cmt@miamidade.gov / (305) 375-4986.

Education, Outreach and Access 

Miami-Dade County Department of Cultural Affairs

Did you know that in the US, people with disabilities have $175 billion in discretionary spending power, which is four times the spending power of tweens (8-to-14-year-olds)? This September join us and celebrate 25 years of the Americans with Disabilities Act!

September 24 – 25, 2015 at the Adrienne Arsht Center for the Performing Arts

The event is mandatory for Miami-Dade County Department of Cultural Affairs grantees. Click here for program schedule and registration.



Funding Opportunities

City of Coral Gables Cultural Grants – FY2015-2016 

Deadline: Friday, October 2, 2015

The City of Coral Gables Cultural Development Board has been appointed to assist the Coral Gables City Commission in distributing a limited amount of cultural monies to worthy nonprofit 501(c)(3) and 501(c)(4) groups that produce meaningful cultural experiences for the betterment of the Coral Gables community. These experiences must take place within the City of Coral Gables and be open and accessible to the public. Cultural activities and programs that qualify are those that address the visual and performing arts, history, historic preservation and folk life, international cultural exchanges, and the literary and media arts. 

The deadline to apply is no later than 5:00 PM on October 2, 2015. Attendance at a workshop is required for first time applicants or applicants who did not receive a grant in FY2014-2015.  Workshop scheduled for August 26, 2015 at 5:00 PM at the War Memorial Youth Center Theater, 405 University Drive.  For more information and to apply: http://coralgables.com/index.aspx?page=398



ASMBS’s It Starts Now Short Film Contest

Deadline: October 1, 2015 

Your entry should creatively inspire, motivate and/or educate the public about issues related to obesity. Submissions will be judged on originality, creativity, direction, production value, content, and thoughtfulness. Anyone 18 years and older is eligible to submit videos or films of five minutes or less that address the topic of obesity in any genre, including drama, documentary, animation, journalism, public service announcements, experimental or music videos. No fee. $5,000 will be presented to the winner in Los Angeles, CA during Obesity Week 2015. Second place winner will receive $3500, and two third-place winners will receive $1500 each. http://itstartsnow.asmbs.org/


NARS International Residency Call for Artists

Deadline: October 1, 2015

The NARS Foundation is currently accepting applications for our International Artist Residency Program. Our residency program supports emerging and mid-career artists and is open to both International and US-Based artists, creating an international artistic dialogue and exchange. We offer 24/7 access to 280 – 325 sq ft studio spaces in our diverse artist community in Sunset Park, Brooklyn. Our residency artists benefit from our community driven program and the ongoing dialogue between fellow residency artists. Residents also have the advantage of working alongside emerging and established NYC based artists in our studio facilities, who retain space year round. While experimenting and creating new work in the studio, artists are encouraged to engage with the public and share new work through public events, artist presentations, group outings and tours, and studio visits with curators, gallerists, and arts administrators. These personal one-on-one studio visits provide intimate space and time to form connections and expand networks. Connections formed during studio visits have resulted in future exhibition opportunities and collaborations for artists during and after they have finished their residency at NARS. Submission fee $35. To see a list of our past studio visitors, please visit http://narsfoundation.org//studioVisits.php.


Harpo Foundation Emerging Artist Residency

Deadline: October 1, 2015

The Harpo Foundation’s Emerging Artist Residency Fellowship at the Santa Fe Art Institute (SFAI) was established in 2013 to provide an annual opportunity to an emerging visual artist 25 years and older who needs time and space to explore ideas and start new projects. Artist Fellows will receive a one-month residency at the Santa Fe Art Institute, which includes a handsomely appointed room with private bath, a beautiful, well-lit studio space, and a $500 travel stipend. There are no requirements on the work produced during their time at SFAI. One Fellowship is awarded annually to emerging artists who demonstrate: Strong artistic ability and promise and an evolving practice this is at a pivotal moment in its development. http://hosted.verticalresponse.com/640432/d6e5d26fab/282353519/e9ce6593d1/



Aura Estrada Short Story Contest

Deadline: October 1, 2015

The winning author will receive $1,500 and have his or her work published in the July/August 2016 issue of Boston Review. Runners up may also be published. Stories should not exceed 5,000 words and must be previously unpublished. Mailed manuscripts should be double-spaced and submitted with a cover note listing the author’s name, address, and phone number. No cover note is necessary for online submission. Names should not appear on the stories themselves. Any author writing in English is eligible, unless he or she is a current student, former student, relative, or close friend of the judge. Simultaneous submissions are not permitted; if you submit your story to another publication, you must withdraw it from our submissions manager or inform us by email. Submissions will not be returned, and submissions may not be modified after entry. A non-refundable $20 entry fee, payable to Boston Review in the form of a check or money order or by credit card, must accompany each story entered. All submitters receive a complimentary half-year subscription (3 issues) to Boston Review. Submissions must be postmarked no later than October 1, 2015. The winner will be notified in the spring of 2016 and publicly announced by July on the Boston Review Web site http://bostonreview.net/contests#FictionContest


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Originally published at https://miamidadearts.org/news/news-use-vol-150