Home Miami News News to Use – March 22, 2018

News to Use – March 22, 2018

News to Use – March 22, 2018

Miami-Dade County Department of Cultural Affairs

Upcoming grants program workshops



Tourist Development Council (TDC) – Fourth Quarter FY2017-2018

Grant Application Deadline: April 16, 2018 at 4:00 PM

Must contact grant administrator for staff consultation


This is a quarterly program which provides support to significant cultural and/or special events, including sports activities and television/film origination projects that promote Miami-Dade County’s appeal as a tourist destination. Activities must be able to stimulate tourism and have significant media impact for Miami-Dade County.







  Visit Grants for Organizations and Grants for Artists for more information.






Project Nebula: Amazon Distribution Center + Carrie Meek Foundation Building



TIMEFRAME: fall 2018 – summer 2019

DEADLINE: Wednesday, April 25, 2018

ELIGIBILITY: US-based professional artists

LOCATION: Carrie Meek International Business Park, Opa-Locka, FL


Miami-Dade County and Miami-Dade Department of Cultural Affairs through its Art in Public Places Program request qualifications from professional artists and / or artists teams to create landmark artworks for the Carrie Meek International Business Park at the Miami-Opa-Locka Executive Airport, including:


  • New construction of the Project Nebula Amazon.com Inc. Fulfillment Center by Foundry Commercial
  • New Construction of the Carrie Meek Foundation Building


The Amazon Fulfillment Center will occupy some 91 acres and will be the first tenant in the Carrie Meek International Business Park which is being developed through a joint-venture comprised of the Carrie Meek Foundation, Inc. and Foundry Commercial on a 122-acre development parcel which us under long-term lease with Miami-Dade County.

The selected artists will design unique artworks that enrich the public environment of these facilities, bring unexpected and delightful encounters for visitors, and preserve and enhance the artistic and civic pride of Miami-Dade County.


The selected artists will design unique artworks that enrich the public environment of these facilities, bring unexpected and delightful encounters for visitors, and preserve and enhance the artistic and civic pride of Miami-Dade County.


For detailed call information click here.





Materials will be accepted online, via the platform Submittable.

There is no application fee.

Application: http://www.miamidadepublicart.org/#artists-calls

  • 10 images of completed work
  • Brief Artist Statement
  • CV

Please identify medium, dimensions, date, location, client/agency, size, budget, completion date (if applicable), and an optional brief written description for each image. Artists who work in video, sound, installations, and kinetic sculpture may submit a 3 minute video, audio or dynamic media file.





The work on the Coconut Grove Playhouse project continues. Check back often and refer to the Coconut Grove Playhouse Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) for the most up-to-date information on the project. All previously issued project updates remain available on the Department of Cultural Affairs website and contain details about the project and its progress. To view a comprehensive list of all the previous updates visit: http://www.miamidadearts.org/coconut-grove-playhouse-updates.


You can also receive regular project updates and follow on social media at:

Facebook: www.facebook.com/GroveStage


Instagram: @GroveStage




Miami Arts Marketing Project 2018: Getting in the Media Spotlight

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

9:00 AM – 12:00 PM

Location: Adrienne Arsht Center, 1300 Biscayne Blvd


Does your arts group want more visibility and coverage? The media landscape is constantly changing. From digital media to traditional print, from radio and television to podcasts you will get tips and trends from the experts. Media leaders will give you the inside scoop on how to get your story covered in this interactive session. 2018 MAMP arts media list will be distributed. Getting in the Media Spotlight MAMP Lab is March 27 from 9:30 to noon at the Arsht Center. Seating is limited. Scholarships available for eligible grantees of the Miami-Dade County Department of Cultural Affairs.  www.ArtsBizMiami.org/events



Breakfast with the Arts and Hospitality

Thursday, April 12, 2018 at 8:00 AM


Does your arts group want to connect with hospitality leaders interested in arts activations? Join the Arts & Business Council for the 14th annual Breakfast with the Arts & Hospitality on April 12th at the Intercontinental Miami. A networking event like no other, the event features a panel of change-makers in a fast paced convo about cultural tourism collaborations & profitable partnerships with George Neary, VP of Cultural Tourism for GMCVB. Location: InterContinental Miami, 100 Chopin Plaza. Order your tickets today www.ArtsBizMiami.org/events


The Children’s Trust Board recruitment

Deadline: March 26, 2018


Be considered by Governor Scott to serve on The Children’s Trust Board of Directors.

There are currently six vacancies available.

The Children’s Trust is an independent special district, authorized by Florida Statute 125.901 and created by Miami-Dade County Ordinance on December 3, 2002, and governed by a board of directors. The main responsibility of the board is to allocate funds to other agencies in Miami-Dade County that are operated for the benefit of children and youth. The Children’s Trust has accomplished much for children and families in Miami-Dade County over the last five years of operation. Our current budget is $100 million.


Gubernatorial Appointments

The Miami-Dade County Board of County Commissioners is accepting applications to fill six (6) vacancies on The Children’s Trust Board of Directors. These Governor’s appointments shall serve through March 2020.

Send a resume with a cover letter expressing your interest to serve on the board of The Children’s Trust by March 26, 2018 at 5 p.m. to:


Miami-Dade County, Board of County Commissioners
Office of the Chairman, Esteban L. Bovo, Jr.
111 NW First Street, Suite 320
Miami, FL 33128

Most meetings are held at the offices of The Children’s Trust located at 3150 SW 3rd Avenue, Miami, FL 33129.


If you have questions about board membership or the application process, please email Muriel Jeanty, Clerk of the Board, at muriel@thechildrenstrust.org, or call her at 305.571.5700 ext. 292.


For details, visit www.thechildrenstrust.org



VSA Programs – Requests for Contract Proposals

Deadline: Wednesday, March 28, 2018, 11:59 PM EDT



The John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts is seeking contract proposals from eligible and qualified contractors to perform the following VSA programs. Please follow the links to view each Request for Contract Proposals (RFP) for specific program details and to submit a proposal.


1. VSA Arts Connect All – Professional Development Program
Implement professional development opportunities of 5 or more hours for educators teaching the arts to students with disabilities, ages 3 to 22, pre-kindergarten–grade 12. Serve 50 or more educators of students with disabilities. $3,000–$18,000.

2. VSA Arts Connect All – Workshop/Residency Program
Implement school or community arts education workshops and/or residencies of 5 or more instructional hours for students with disabilities, ages 3 to 22, pre-kindergarten–grade 12. Serve 75 or more students with disabilities. $3,000 to $18,000. 
3. VSA Playwright Discovery Program
Implement writing for performance classes or workshops of 5 or more hours for students with disabilities, in middle and high school, grades 6-12, ages 11-22. Strong preference given to proposals that explore the theme of the disability experience. Serve 75 or more students with disabilities. $3,000 to $18,000.
4. VSA TiLT Digital Storytelling Program
Implement digital storytelling classes or workshops of 5 or more hours for students with disabilities, middle and high school, grades 6-12, ages 11-22. Strong preference given to proposals that explore the theme of the disability experience. Serve 75 or more students with disabilities. $3,000 to $18,000.

5. VSA Museum Access for Kids Program
Implement accessible arts experiences with related educational programming for students with disabilities, ages 3 to 22, pre-kindergarten–grade 12. Serve 100 or more students with disabilities. $3,000 to $15,000.

6. VSA Performing Arts Access for Kids Program
Implement accessible performing arts experiences with related educational programming for students with disabilities, ages 3 to 22, pre-kindergarten–grade 12. Serve 100 or more students with disabilities. Must be a nonprofit performing arts venue to apply. $3,000 to $15,000.
7. Rosemary Kennedy Initiative 
Implement transition opportunities for youth with disabilities, ages 15 to 22, in creative careers, arts, arts education, or arts management internships, or pre-professional training programs of 40 or more hours. Serve 5 or more students with disabilities. $3,000 to $15,000.


 How to Apply:  Eligible and qualified organizations are required to submit contract proposals online at the link specified in each RFP. Eligible organizations may submit proposals to a maximum of two different 2018-2019 VSA Requests for Contract Proposals, but the Kennedy Center will issue a contract offer for no more than one proposal per eligible organization. Before applying, read RFPs thoroughly as updates have been made for the 2018-2019 contract cycle.

Proposal Submission Deadline:  March 28, 2018 at 11:59 pm (Eastern Daylight Time)

Notification:  Selected recipients will be notified by June 30, 2018.

For questions and information, please contact Stephanie Litvak, sslitvak@kennedy-center.org







VSA Florida provides monthly webinars during the school year so that teaching artists, classroom teachers, cultural arts organizations and adult artists with disabilities can keep up-to-date on the latest information on the arts and disability.  These webinars are provided free of charge; however, registration is required.


March:  Here and Wow – Creative activities for the classroom using the ArtThread Gallery

Learn how to engage students in no-fail creative activities using the VSA Florida/ArtThread Interactive Online Gallery. We’ll go over the basics of using the Gallery, and then explore round-robin and group artmaking. You’ll see how students and teachers can share their art with their peers and their families, and get that magic feeling when they can say, “I made that!” 


Presenter: Rob Rothschild is the President of the ArtThread Foundation, and is the co-designer of the “Work of Art” Program, ArtThread’s 21st Century skill-building program for students with disabilities. Mr. Rothschild is an experienced trainer, instructional designer, and media producer, and he has presented at the International Conference of the Society for Arts in Healthcare, the National Transition Conference, the Florida Occupational Therapy Association, and the National Arts and Disabilities Center.


March 14, 4-5 pm (east coast)

March 16, 12-1 pm (east coast)


April: Theater for ALL!

Theater arts teachers frequently wonder how to include ESE students in their classes in meaningful ways. This webinar will provide tips, strategies, and activity ideas for teaching ESE theater classes that engage and challenge while pursuing performance opportunities.

Presenter: Holly Talley is currently a Writing Coach and ESE Theater teacher at Dr. Earl J. Lennard High School in Hillsborough.  She graduated from Bob Jones University with a degree in Creative Writing and Dramatic Productions. Mrs. Talley has 21 years of experience teaching English and drama. She has spent the past five years also teaching theater to ESE students at Lennard High. Mrs. Talley also teaches Community Theater classes through the Patel Conservatory and summer musical theater camps for the Firehouse Cultural Center in Ruskin.


April 19, 2:30-3:30 pm (east coast)

April 20, 4-5 pm (east coast)


To register for VSAFL webinars, please click here.

VSAFL also posts archived webinars on its website, available at: 





Art in State Buildings Calls to Artists


Artists interested in participating in the Art in State Buildings program should review the selection process and the submission instructions on the Division of Cultural Affairs’ Calls to Artists page.

Current projects and a list of items that must be included in submissions can be found on the Call to Artists page.

For more information review the Art in State Buildings Program Handbook or contact the ASB program manager at 850.245.6462.


Skinner-Jones Hall
University of North Florida  
Jacksonville, Florida
Budget: $44,000.00
Submission Deadline: April 6, 2018

Click here for more information.


University Park Center
University of West Florida
Pensacola, Florida
Budget: $25,000.00
Submission Deadline: April 13, 2018

Click here for more information.




Career Opportunities in the Arts


Teaching Artist- Hop Hop Dance Teacher

Broward Center for the Performing Arts


Arts Program Director – Miami

Knight Foundation




#PublicArtSpotlight: Fred Eversley’s PARABOLIC FLIGHT, 1980, was re-fabricated and re-installed at the exit toll plaza of the Miami International Airport (MIA). The sculpture was the first large-scale sculpture commissioned by the Miami-Dade County’s Art In Public Places program and is part of the permanent collection.

Originally published at https://miamidadearts.org/news/news-use-march-22-2018