Home Miami News News to Use – August 2, 2016

News to Use – August 2, 2016

News to Use – August 2, 2016

Upcoming grant Workshops & deadlines

Miami-Dade County Department of Cultural Affairs



Community Grants Program: This is a quarterly program for non-profit organizations developing small to medium scale community-based cultural programs, projects and events, such as fairs, parades, neighborhood festivals, conferences and publications.


August 4, 2016 – Second Quarter – Grant Workshop

September 8, 2016 – Second Quarter – Grant Application Deadline






Audience Access (AUD) Grants Program


Deadline: Ongoing


A program of the Miami-Dade County Department of Cultural Affairs, the Audience Access (AUD) Grant Program is designed to provide funding to promote and help pay for arts program ADA/access technology and services, such as American Sign Language (ASL) interpreters, captioning, audio description, materials in accessible format, ADA/access training, and other such services to ensure programmatic access for audiences of all abilities. For details, visit our website.






Visit Grants for Organizations and Grants for Artists for more information.



Greater Miami & The Beaches Calendar of Events

Deadline: Monday, August 15, 2016


The newest issue of the FREE, Calendar of Events coproduced with the Greater Miami & The Beaches will cover events taking place from October through December 2016.


To be included, please add your latest arts and culture events schedule by Monday, August 15, 2016.


Please send your submissions to calendar@gmcvb.com.

Submissions must include:

Name of Event






Brief 50-100 word description


Photos (for web use only): Must be a minimum of 940 x 526 pixels in size. Must also be without text/copy. Please no logos, flyers or ads.


Support the Arts…Become a Department of Cultural Affairs’ Grant Panelist!

Deadline: August 12, 2016


The Department of Cultural Affairs relies on the services of many volunteer panelists, who review, evaluate grant applications and make funding recommendations. Panels represent a diverse group of artists, arts-related professionals, educators, community members, business leaders and others with current or prior active involvement in the arts. For those interested in serving in the Community Grants Panel visit our website and download the Grant Panelist Application form. Please submit the application, along with a resume or bio to RBARBA@miamidade.gov.




Speed Networking

Hosted by the Emerging Arts Leaders of Miami

Friday, August 5, 2016

Get to know and explore the Emerging Arts Leaders of Miami network– go beyond the intros and small talk, and join in the dialogue that will help find the points of intersection and potential seeds for innovation. Held at the Young Arts – Jewel Box, 3rd Floor, 2100 Biscayne Blvd. Click here for the Facebook Event





Florida Cultural Alliance – Join or Renew Now!


Stay informed regarding the State budget for the Florida Division of Cultural Affairs.

Click here to view join or renew your membership to our statewide arts advocacy organization, the Florida Cultural Alliance







Chief Engineer

Broward Center for the Performing Arts


Learning Programs Facilitators

Vizcaya Museum and Gardens


Site Director, Doral Chapter

Miami Music Project


Site Director, Little Havana Chapter

Miami Music Project


Program Assistant

Miami Music Project


Museum Educator – Part-Time

The Coral Gables Museum



Originally published at https://miamidadearts.org/news/news-use-august-2-2016