Home Miami News Director’s Message – Announcing Deborah Margol’s Retirement

Director’s Message – Announcing Deborah Margol’s Retirement

Director’s Message – Announcing Deborah Margol’s Retirement

Dear Colleagues,

Deborah Margol, our Department’s Deputy Director, has announced her retirement from County government, effective the end of February of this year.

Debbie has served the Miami-Dade County Department of Cultural Affairs and our cultural community with extraordinary distinction for more than 32 years.  We are so much the better for her always insightful, creative and strategic contributions to our work. She has been responsible directly for the Department’s growth and success over these last three decades.

Debbie has a passion for the arts and a deep appreciation for the struggles and joys that make achievement in our field so difficult and so wonderful, all at the same time.  I have counted on her to navigate County government and our ever-evolving cultural community. She has shared her inspiring leadership, sound judgment, disciplined decision-making, and unerring wisdom with generosity and grace.

We wish Debbie every success in the next chapter of her life’s adventure story. Our staff and I will miss her ever-present, indomitable spirit and tenacious determination to get it right. Without a doubt, she has earned our accolades, our gratitude, and our confidence that she will find new ways to make an impact in our community and in our lives.

If you would like join us in celebrating Deborah Margol’s accomplishments and thanking her for all that she has done to make our cultural life great, you can post a message on social media using #deputydeparting.


Michael Spring
Senior Advisor, Miami-Dade County Office of the Mayor
Director, Miami-Dade County Department of Cultural Affairs
111 NW First Street, Suite 625
Miami, FL  33128
(305) 375-5022 (office)
(305) 375-3068 (fax)

Originally published at https://miamidadearts.org/news/directors-message-announcing-deborah-margols-retirement