Home Miami News Court Filings Completed | Miami-Dade County Department of Cultural Affairs

Court Filings Completed | Miami-Dade County Department of Cultural Affairs

Court Filings Completed | Miami-Dade County Department of Cultural Affairs

All of the filings regarding Miami-Dade County’s brief submitted to the Circuit Court regarding the Coconut Grove Playhouse are complete. To recap, Miami-Dade County filed a brief to overturn the City of Miami’s Planning and Zoning Appeals Board’s unsupported and erroneous decision to grant an appeal stopping the County’s approval of a demolition waiver.

Now, we await the Court’s review and determination.  Here is a summary of the filings and links to the referenced documents:

• Miami-Dade County’s brief provides an account of the unfair treatment that the City of Miami’s Planning and Zoning Appeals Board (PZAB) demonstrated at their March 15, 2023 meeting in voting to uphold an appeal of the County’s demolition waiver. It also details the reasons that the Court should overturn the PZAB’s unsupported and erroneous decision.
• The City of Miami’s August 28, 2023 response containing a “confession of error,” stating that “the Planning and Zoning Appeals board erred when it granted the appeal at issue.”
• The response filed by the attorney for the two property owners who submitted the appeal to the PZAB.
• Miami-Dade County’s September 8, 2023 response to the filing submitted by the attorney representing the two property owners.

Given the City’s admission that the County’s demolition waiver should not have been stopped by the PZAB and the comprehensive and compelling response made by the County Attorney’s Office to the “defense” submitted by the private attorney for the two original appellants, we are confident that the Court will fairly review the evidence and determine that the County can proceed with its plans to return great theater to the Coconut Grove Playhouse.

View a comprehensive list of all the previous project updates at https://miamidadearts.org/coconut-grove-playhouse-updates.

Originally published at https://miamidadearts.org/news/court-filings-completed