Home Miami News Coronavirus (COVID-19) Update – Opportunities for Individual Artists

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Update – Opportunities for Individual Artists

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Update – Opportunities for Individual Artists

Dear Colleagues,

As the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic continues to create a new reality for all of us, artists continue to provide innovative, virtual solutions to keep us connected in this time of social distancing. However, we know how tough this public health crisis has been for artists, their work and their livelihood.

Fortunately, there have been many important announcements regarding funding for visual and performing artists including the launch of ArtistRelief.org, a new initiative uniting several national funders to provide $5,000 grants to artists. We also encourage you to respond to The COVID-19 Impact Survey for Artists and Creative Workers, launched by Americans for the Arts, to help gather vital information on how COVID-19 is affecting the livelihood of artists, creative workers, teaching artists and creative entrepreneurs.

Another great tool is this comprehensive, easy-to-use chart, published by Americans for the Arts, that demystifies the process of determining eligibility for funds available through the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act.

To help connect you with these developments and provide other time-sensitive information, the Miami-Dade County Department of Cultural Affairs has assembled the list below of meaningful funding opportunities and useful resources for individual artists and creative workers.

The Chairman of our Cultural Affairs Council, Xavier Cortada, wanted me to share this message with you: “We will not allow our artists to be forgotten in the midst of this devastating health crisis.  Now more than ever we must remember that artists are the guiding force in creating and sustaining our great cultural life. Our Council will continue to look for ways to support you and your work. We know that artists are the leaders who will help define what life after the pandemic will look, sound and feel like for all of us.”

Stay safer at home and be well!


Michael Spring
Senior Advisor to Miami-Dade County Office of the Mayor and
Director, Miami-Dade County Department of Cultural Affairs

National Grants and Resources for Individual Artists

Actors Fund Entertainment Assistance Program
The Actors Fund provides services and financial support to entertainment professionals facing personal or work-related problems. https://actorsfund.org/services-and-programs/entertainment-assistance-program

Artist Relief is an emergency, non-restricted fund that will grant $5,000 to individual artists facing financial hardship. A coalition of national arts grantmakers has come together to create this emergency initiative for artists across the United States. https://www.artistrelief.org  In addition, Artist Relief is partnering with Americans for the Arts to conduct a survey of the impact of COVID-19 on artists: https://www.surveygizmo.com/s3/5532991/6539d78e3593.

American Documentary Artist Emergency Fund
This Emergency Fund provides grants up to $500 for basic needs including food, health and insurance premiums for artists that demonstrate a professional relationship to documentary filmmaking.

CERF+ Emergency Relief Fund
Artists who have suffered from a career threatening emergency, (illness, accident, fire or natural disaster), can apply for funding. CERF+ lists COVID-19 resources. 

Dramatists Guild Foundation
This fund provides emergency financial assistance to individual playwrights, composers, lyricists, and bookwriters in need of funds due to severe hardship or unexpected illness.

The Foundation for Contemporary Arts Emergency Grants COVID-19 Fund
A temporary fund for experimental artists. The Foundation will disburse $1,500 grants to artists who have had performances or exhibitions canceled or postponed because of the COVID-19 virus. Click here for details.

Kincade Family Foundation Emergency Grant for Curators
The program will provide one (1) one-time grant of up to $5,000 for unexpected emergencies related to the COVID-19 pandemic.
DEADLINE: Sunday, April 12, 2020 http://www.kinkadefamilyfoundation.org/emergencygrantforcurators

Independent Sector: How to Apply for Relief Funds
The Independent Sector has developed an easy-to-use tool to help individuals and nonprofits understand the CARES Act eligibility criteria, timelines, and application information. Available here:

PEN America Writers’ Emergency Fund
PEN America will distribute grants of $500 to $1,000 to writers that demonstrate an inability to meet an acute financial need, especially one resulting from the impact of the COVID-19 outbreak.

The Photographer Fund
FORMAT created the Photographer Fund to help independent photographers with up to $500 per artist who are facing unprecedented financial hardships in the wake of the COVID-19 outbreak stay on their feet.

The Rauschenberg Emergency Grants
The New York Foundation for the Arts and the Robert Rauschenberg Foundation have teamed up to help artists with medical expenses. The Rauschenberg Emergency Grants will provide visual artists, media artists, and choreographers one-time cash grants of up to $5,000 to cover expenses caused by one-time, unexpected medical or dental emergencies.

The Recording Academy – MusiCares
The Recording Academy and its charitable foundation MusiCares have established the COVID-19 Relief Fund to help people in the music industry affected by the coronavirus and cancellation of music events.

Local Grants for Artists and Organizations that Support Artists

Oolite Arts Launches Relief Fund for COVID-19 for Miami-based Artists
The Oolite Arts Relief Fund for COVID-19 offers up to $500 to cover lost income. Thanks to the Lynn and Louis Wolfson II Family Foundation, Oolite Arts’ own increased commitment and individual donors, more than $100,000 is available to artists through the fund. Apply here: https://oolitearts.org/relieffund/

Locust Projects and The Warhol Foundation
The Warhol Foundation will provide funds to Miami-based artists who have been affected by COVID-19 through a re-granting program managed by Locust Projects. The Miami Artist Relief Fund will offer 40 individual grants of $1,500 each for Miami visual artists. Details on how to apply will be available by April 15, 2020.

Miami-Dade County Department of Cultural Affairs – Art in Public Places
Art in Public Places promotes collaboration and creative art projects that improve the visual quality of public spaces. These public art installations transform public spaces from ordinary civic areas to sites that can lift the spirit and connect with the community. Calls to artists are available here: https://miamidadepublicart.org/#about-calls

United Way of Miami-Dade – The Miami Pandemic Response Fund
United Way of Miami-Dade and the Miami Herald/el Nuevo Herald, joined by a collaboration of funders, have activated Operation Helping Hands and the Miami Pandemic Response Fund to provide seed funding of $500,000 to aid families, small businesses and nonprofit organizations through a network of nonprofit partners. Details available here: www.unitedwaymiami.org/covid19.

The Community Recovery Fund for Nonprofit Organizations – Coronavirus (COVID-19)
The Miami Foundation established The Community Recovery Fund providing critical help to Miami-Dade nonprofits, including arts, culture and humanities organizations. The Miami Foundation has seeded the Fund with a $300,000 contribution. The Knight Foundation has added $250,000 to the Fund. For more information, visit miamifoundation.org/covid19response.

John S. and James L. Knight Foundation
The Knight Foundation is contributing a total of $700,000 to assist nonprofit organizations: $450,000 to The United Way Miami Pandemic Response Fund and $250,000 to support The Miami Foundation Community Recovery Fund.

The Jorge M. Pérez Family Foundation / Related Philanthropic Foundation
The Jorge M. Pérez Family Foundation has contributed $200,000 to The Miami Foundation Community Recovery Fund to help support arts and cultural organizations and the Related Philanthropic Foundation has donated $100,000 to The United Way Miami Pandemic Response Fund.

Miami Arts Organizations – Resources for Individual Artists
A number of Miami organizations are offering contacts for resources available to help artists and organizations that serve artists. Here a few:

• Fountainhead Residency: https://www.fountainheadresidency.com/artists-resources?mc_cid=5988a8c036&mc_eid=558f08787b&mc_cid=f3fcbbd3b7&mc_eid=558f08787b
• Locust Projects: http://www.locustprojects.org/for-artists/submissions/covid-19-resources-for-artists.html
• Miami Dance Hub: https://www.miamidancehub.com
• South Florida Theatre League: https://southfloridatheatre.org/coronavirus-updates/

The most reliable way to contact us continues to be through email. You can find a staff directory at  https://www.miamidadearts.org/about/staff-councils.

Please check the County’s web site for more COVID-19 information and for regular updates:  miamidade.gov/coronavirus.

To view a comprehensive list of all the previous cultural updates on COVID-19 click here.

Originally published at https://miamidadearts.org/news/coronavirus-covid-19-update-%E2%80%93-opportunities-individual-artists