West Palm Beach City Commission Meeting Approvals and Decisions
WEST PALM BEACH, FL (DATE) – Below is a summary of the approvals and decisions made by the City Commission meeting on Tuesday, February 21, 2023.
MAYOR’S OFFICE – February is Black History Month. In honor of the month, Mayor Keith A. James selected a member of the Black community who has demonstrated leadership in West Palm Beach. Also, the Mayor asked each member of the City Commission to nominate, and present, a Black History Month Proclamation. Six proclamations were presented.
Bishop A. J. Wright, left, was awarded a Black History Month Proclamation by Mayor Keith A. James.
Commissioners presented Black History Month Proclamations to, from left, Trinnette Morris, Dr. Mary Ann DuPont, Edith Coleman Bush, Ruth Nelson, and Michael Odum.
Approved two resolutions to sunset the West Palm Beach Small and Minority/Women Business COVID-19 Recovery Assistance Loan Program, converting the loans to grants and approving an amendment with Pathway Capital Funding, and a resolution authorizing execution of all associated documents and instruments.
DEVELOPMENT SERVICES – Approved two resolutions, after public hearings, for the abandonment of about a 3,225-square-foot portion of a 15-foot wide platted alleyway north of Pine Street between North Flagler Drive and North Dixie Highway for $575,000, and a second resolution to appropriate the funds for City Hall sealing, building repairs and contingency.
ENGINEERING – Approved a resolution granting a footer easement within Chase Street to RUD 1 Flagler, LLC for the One Flagler project.
FIRE DEPARTMENT – Approved a resolution to submit a grant application to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) for $398,877 for a firefighter wellness/fitness program.
HOUSING and COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT – Approved an ordinance, after second public hearing, authorizing conveyance of the 25-foot strip portion of 500 Clematis Street to NL 512 LLC, and approving an agreement for the purchase and sale of a portion of 500 Clematis Street for workforce housing.
PARKING ADMINISTRATION – Approved a resolution to recognize a donation of $6,180 collected from parking meters on the Martin Luther King Jr., Day, January 16, 2023, and presenting it to the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Caregivers.
Parking Administration Director Ed Davis, left, and Mayor Keith. A. James, right, presented a donation to Edith Coleman Bush of the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Caregivers.
PUBLIC UTILITIES – Approved a resolution accepting a Cooperative Funding Grant from the South Florida Water Management District for $31,250 to fund a Community Water Conservation Program related to efficient fixtures (high-efficiency toilet voucher program).
For the complete list of approvals and decisions made at the Monday, month, date, 2023 City Commission meeting, click here for the pass/fail agenda.
Originally published at https://www.wpb.org/Home/Components/News/News/3225/772