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Make Parenting Education Universal

Make Parenting Education Universal

Make Parenting Education Universal

A Lifeline & An Anchor

Parents Forum calls for parenting education to be made available, accessible, affordable and attractive to all parents and caregivers.

This presents a two-fold challenge, since we need to engage parents and at the same time provide suitable programming: basically a ‘chicken-and-egg’ problem.”

— Eve Sullivan, Parents Forum Founder

CAMBRIDGE, MA, USA, May 8, 2024 /EINPresswire.com/ — “Make Parenting Education Universal,” Parents Forum’s appeal, made in anticipation of International Day of Families, May 15th, has been submitted to the UN Economic and Social Council for consideration at ECOSOC’s July 2024 High-Level Segment. With this initiative Parents Forum, a 30-year-old non-profit based in Cambridge, Mass., seeks to raise awareness among parents and practitioners –in both peer-led and professionally-led parenting programs — as well as among policymakers, of the value of positive and preventive support.

Youth mental health, a serious problem since long before the pandemic, is now in crisis. Individual and society-wide responses, too often problem-oriented, need to incorporate a prevention focus. The shift is needed in both practice and policy.

“This presents a two-fold challenge,” Parents Forum founder Eve Sullivan said, “since we need to engage parents and at the same time provide suitable programming: basically a ‘chicken-and-egg’ problem.”

Parents Forum calls for parenting education to be made available, accessible, affordable and attractive to all parents and caregivers in order to support children’s wellbeing and healthy development from birth through young adulthood.

Parents Forum invites organizations to sign on to support the statement by contacting [email protected] and to inquire about becoming a Parents Forum partner. Starting May 15, International Day of Families, through June 1, Global Day of Parents, the program will accept inquiries from educators, business leaders, social service staff, government officials and others interested in partnering with Parents Forum to implement, in their own setting, the program’s unique, evidence-informed question-based curriculum.

Eve Odiorne Sullivan
Parents Forum
+1 617-233-7890
email us here

Originally published at https://www.einpresswire.com/article/709872542/make-parenting-education-universal

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