Home Floridas Governor Ron DeSantis Reappoints Robert Watkins to the Hillsborough County Aviation Authority

Governor Ron DeSantis Reappoints Robert Watkins to the Hillsborough County Aviation Authority

Governor Ron DeSantis Reappoints Robert Watkins to the Hillsborough County Aviation Authority

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. — Today, Governor Ron DeSantis announced the reappointment of Robert Watkins to the Hillsborough County Aviation Authority.

Robert Watkins

Watkins, of Tampa, is the President of Robert Watkins and Company, P.A. Active in his community, he is a member of the Merrymakers Club of Tampa, Inc. and the American and Florida Institutes of Certified Public Accountants. Watkins earned his bachelor’s degree in accounting from the University of South Florida.

This appointment is subject to confirmation by the Florida Senate.


Originally published at https://www.flgov.com/2023/11/09/governor-ron-desantis-reappoints-robert-watkins-to-the-hillsborough-county-aviation-authority/