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First Lady Casey DeSantis Awards $50,000 in Hope Florida Funds to Five Leon and Jackson County Non-Profit Organizations

First Lady Casey DeSantis Awards ,000 in Hope Florida Funds to Five Leon and Jackson County Non-Profit Organizations
TALLAHASSEE, Fla. — First Lady Casey DeSantis and Mason DeSantis surprised five exceptional Leon and Jackson County non-profit organizations with $10,000 each through the Hope Florida Fund. Recipients recognized by the First Lady were: City Church’s Foster Crew Ministry, Big Bend Homeless Coalition, Hang Tough Foundation, Camp Anderson, and Shine Tallahassee, Inc.
During the check presentations, First Lady DeSantis and the non-profit representatives discussed the Hope Florida – A Pathway to Prosperity initiative and how to better collaborate to break down traditional silos and better meet the needs of Floridians.
“The Hope Florida Fund is an effective component of the Hope Florida model, using governmental resources to connect the generosity and goodwill of private sector partners with non-profits actively making a difference in their communities,” said First Lady Casey DeSantis. “Today, we employed this fund to support five organizations that lift up our most vulnerable, including foster children, families of children battling illness, homeless, veterans, and individuals with unique abilities. I am so proud of the work these organizations do to care for their neighbors and of the private sector organizations for generously supplementing this good work.”
The First Lady launched the Hope Florida Fund last July to harness the charity of the private sector to give funds to deserving local non-profit entities through her Hope Florida initiative. She presented the awards to organizations in the Leon and Jackson County areas that are serving children, families, and individuals in need through mentorship, material support, and educational programs.
Hope Florida, created by First Lady DeSantis and implemented by the Florida Department of Children and Families and the Florida Department of Elder Affairs, utilizes ‘Care Navigators’ to guide Floridians on an individualized path to prosperity and economic self-sufficiency by focusing on community collaboration between the private sector, faith-based community, non-profits, and government entities to break down traditional community silos to maximize support and uncover opportunities. These ‘Care Navigators’ are essential in helping individuals identify their unique and immediate barriers to prosperity, develop long-term goals, map out a strategic plan, and work to ensure all sectors of the community have a ‘seat at the table’ to be a key part of the solution. In addition, the Care Navigators help identify and organize opportunities for Floridians who wish to help their neighbors by connecting community members, including Florida seniors, with volunteer and mentorship opportunities.
To learn more about Hope Florida – A Pathway to Prosperity, click here. To learn more about Hope Florida – A Pathway to Purpose, click here.

Originally published at https://www.flgov.com/2023/02/10/first-lady-casey-desantis-awards-50000-in-hope-florida-funds-to-five-leon-and-jackson-county-non-profit-organizations/