Home Miami News Mayor and City Commission, CRA Approvals and Decisions, Monday, August 7, 2023

Mayor and City Commission, CRA Approvals and Decisions, Monday, August 7, 2023

Mayor and City Commission, CRA Approvals and Decisions, Monday, August 7, 2023

West Palm Beach City Commission Meeting and Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) Approvals and Decisions

WEST PALM BEACH, FL (DATE) – Below is a summary of the approvals and decisions made by the City Commission meeting on Monday, August 7, 2023.

MAYOR’S OFFICE – Approved a resolution approving an agreement between the City and NORA Holdings, LLC to bundle the public art requirement for multiple private properties located within the North Railroad Avenue area, Palm Beach Lakes Boulevard to north Quadrille Boulevard to the south, North Dixie Highway to the east and Florida East Coast Railway to the west.

CITY ATTORNEY – Approved a resolution waiving a potential conflict of interest relating to GrayRobinson, P.A. representing CVS Health Corporation and West Palm Beach Winn Dixie, LLC in connection with a code compliance issue;  approved an ordinance after second public hearing to repeal a section of the Chapter 22, Article XII of the City Code to related to landlord – tenant regulations to bring it in compliance with new state law.  

DEVELOPMENT SERVICES – Approved an ordinance after second reading a text amendment to section 94-203 of the City Code of Ordinances to add “cultural facilities” as an eligible use to apply for a parking waiver within a Community Service Planned Development District; approved an ordinance after first public hearing to amend section 94-486 Table XV-6 of the City Code to amend the minimum parking requirements for the warehousing facilities for families and small business use category; approved an ordinance after first public hearing  to amend section 94-302 of the City code to prohibit fences, hedges and walls on the east side of Flagler Drive for non-contiguous property east of Flagler Drive where the primary residence is west of Flagler Drive; approved an ordinance after second public hearing to change the zoning within Dreher Park from Open Space to Community Service; approved an ordinance after second public hearing to change the zoning within Dreher Park from Community Service to Community Service Planned Development; approved a resolution approving development of the Cox Science Center and Aquarium Community Service Planned Development for an expansion of the science center within Dreher Park; approved an ordinance after first public hearing to change the Future Land Use Map changing the a portion of the land designation at 301 Malverne Road from Multifamily to Commercial; approved an ordinance after first public hearing changing the a portion of the land designation at 301 Malverne Road from Multifamily Medium Density to General Commercial; approved an ordinance after first public hearing to change the Future Land Use designation at 1400 Henrietta Avenue from Community Service to Multifamily; approved an ordinance after first public hearing to change the zoning at 1400 Henrietta Avenue from Coleman Park-Community Service to Coleman Park-Multifamily Low Density; approved an ordinance after first public hearing to change the Future Land Use Map for property located at 4801 South Dixie Highway from Commercial to Commercial East; approved an ordinance after first public hearing to change the zoning at 4801 South Dixie Highway from Single Family High-Density to Neighborhood Commercial; and approved a resolution granting Class A Special Use Permit waiver, with restrictions, for a dock in excess of 100 feet at 1525 North Flagler Drive.   

ENGINEERING – Approved a resolution granting a revocable license to Palm Beach County allowing installation of water pipes in a portion of the M-Canal right-of-way.

PARKING ADMINISTRATION – Approved a resolution to lease seven parking spaces from Palm Beach County ay 429 Park Place to alleviate overflow traffic parking in adjacent neighborhoods.

PARKS and RECREATION – Approved a resolution appropriating funds from the Waterfront District Fund reserves for the purchase of various operational and capital expenses, including data fiber, security, lighting and equipment for West Palm Beach waterfront locations; approved a resolution authorizing the transfer of funds for the renovation of the Gaines Park Community Center, Gaines Park Tennis Center and Howard Park Tennis Center.

For the complete list of approvals and decisions made at the Monday, August 7, 2023 City Commission meeting, click here for the pass/fail agenda.


Below is a summary of the approvals and decisions made by the Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) meeting on Monday, August 7, 2023.

The CRA heard a presentation on the BBQ, Brews and Blues which was designed to showcase the developments and opportunities in the Historic Northwest District while entertaining those in attendance.

Heard a presentation on the proposed Fiscal Year 2024 Downtown City Center CRA and Northwood/Pleasant City CRA districts. The final presentation will be on Tuesday, September 5, 2023.

For a review of the presentations and action at the CRA meeting on Monday, August 7, 2023, click here

Originally published at https://www.wpb.org/Home/Components/News/News/3581/772